Work from home


Work from home

 Due to fear of corona virus infections many top companies are thinking work from home. Business enterprises has limited space due to rent charge and commercial place. India has overcrowd population country there is lot of problem like, overcrowded metro, bus, office. I have been a big fan of working from home over the years. There is global warning of higher temperature and low temperature such a situation go to office  daily basis is hard.

As I research this for my company as a possible option, I find that there are a lot of reasons why it’s good for a business to let employees work from home. Here are some of the best reasons I have found for letting your employees work from home at least once a week: 

1.Forget crowds and traffic:Peoples who go to office daily basis they know problem and pain of traffic to reach to office.

2.Save time:Due to crowds and traffic peoples who go to office daily basis they waste 2 to 3 hour or more per day.

3.Flexible schedule. You can take breaks at any moment, feel no rush to hang up on your family members when they call, and eat lunch at any weird time you want.

4.No office distractions. Avoid co-workers debating the merits of crypto currency, sirens wailing outside your window, the AC kicking in as you hide your icicle tears.

5.You won’t have to pay for office space. Working from home means either no office or at the very least, a lot less office space. If you don’t want to make the switch to a completely remote environment, try staggering your employees’ work-from-home days to save on office space. Automatic dedicates the money saved on office space to fund a huge travel budget.

6.They shall be more productive.On one study found that employees who work from home are 13 percent more productive compared with their in-office counterparts.

7.They’ll be happier.Everyone seems to be talking about work-life balance these days, and there’s no better way to improve the work-life balance of your employees than to let them work from home.

8.It’s easier than ever.You can be connected to the office every minute of every day if you want to, thanks to the Internet. The concept of working from home might have seemed outlandish 20 years ago, but this is the 21st century. 

9.More time with loved ones. Take care of a sick significant other at home, be ready for your kids earlier in the day, get some extra time to spent with family.

10.Custom environment. Setup your noise level just the way you want it — somewhere between insanely quiet to being at the front row of a Flosstradamus show.

11.Cozy clothes. You get to wear those sweatpants from college with the letters peeling off, or the leggings your friends don’t know you own.

12.Employees will work longer on a day-to-day basis.Remember commuting? If you work from home, you’re at your office right when you wake up. The time that your employees would spend commuting can now be used for real work.

13.Having employees work from home means you get to work from home.The best benefit? You can access all the perks on this list along with your employees.

14.Your employees will be less likely to quit.Working from home makes employees happier. Happy employees don’t quit. Simple logic.

15.No more wasting time on useless meetings.Remember the productivity thing? Well, a lot of that comes from cutting all the useless meetings and other time wasters that are ubiquitous in an office environment.

16.You can hire the best, no matter where they are.No office means the ability to work with anyone in the world. Freelance networks .

17.Your employees will be less likely to quit.Working from home makes employees happier. Happy employees don’t quit. Simple logic.

18.You might get some good PR from it.Yahoo was all over the news when it stopped its working-from-home program — but most reactions were negative. Try instituting a work-from-home program, and you might get some positive PR out of it.

19.Employees won’t constantly feel the need for a vacation.Working from home can feel like a break from the office, even though your employees are still working. Employees will get to recharge and spend more time with their families, so they might not be as inclined to take a two-week vacation to the Bahamas

20.You won’t have to pay for office snacks for employees.

After corona 30 to 40% company adopt this culture.

But there are some disadvantages   of  work from home also.

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